I was so nauseous when I woke up, I had to run straight to the bathroom.
I tried to fight off the nausea by distracting myself with a little guitar practice.
So naturally, my agent called. Apparently some club wanted me to put in an appearance.
With how I was feeling, I was content to stay at home for a little while and tidy up the place.
And then I made the mistake of turning on the television. Someone had seen me and Harry in town, and rumors were circulating again about our relationship.
I did my best to ignore it. I'd had this craving for pumpkin pie all night, so I made myself a slice. It was rather delicious!
And I checked the mail, rather hoping for a letter from Harry to brighten my day.
No such luck. But I really wanted to see him, and I wasn't going to let anything stop me. Not the weather, and certainly not celebrity gossip!
And since that club wanted me to dance, I saw no reason not to invite Harry to join me there.
I was incredibly exhausted, but intent on having a good time.
I should have seen it coming, with how I'd been feeling all day. The nausea, the cravings, the mood swings... I'd had perfectly logical explanations for all of it, except for the one thing that fit all the symptoms. I was pregnant!
Yeah, we got in a few celebratory dances.
Like I was about to let a little pregnant belly get in the way of having a good time with the man I love!
I even ran into Tom Wordy at the club! I have to say, it's the first time I've seen him out on the town.
Harry was having a costume party the next day, and he invited me over! I really ought to have won best costume. Yes, I went as a pregnant lady. I'd only just found out I was expecting, it wasn't as though I had time to plan a brilliant costume. Besides, I was exhausted all the time.
Harry was sweet and woke me from my nap, though.
I only wish I could have stuck around the party longer, but I had things to tend to. Maybe it was the surging hormones, but I needed a change of scene again.
I missed living closer to the city, so I found a fairly reasonable apartment in a high rise! Not exactly spacious, but it wasn't as though the house had been very large to begin with.
I took a walk over to the bookstore the next morning. I hadn't realized when I bought the apartment, but the bookstore is right next door! Mighty convenient, that is.
I even got a little practice in on the streets before heading home.
There's a lovely little foyer just outside the apartment. It's nice when I need just a little more space to practice.
And the view! This is the sort of city living I wanted when I first moved to Bridgeport, but back then, I couldn't afford it. This was the city life I wanted my child to know.
And apparently I couldn't have better timing for the move. I'd only just finished my bath when the contractions started. The baby was coming!
*Author's note*
I was incredibly nervous for quite a while that Addison wasn't going to have any biological children to carry on the legacy, and with most of her wishes in regards to Harry being for romantic interactions, I didn't see a wish for children any time in the future. I make liberal use of the "try for baby" rule, because let's face it, even with the Fertility Treatment lifetime reward, it took until her last day of being an Adult to become pregnant. But hey, late is better than never, and she will indeed have an heir to carry on her legacy. Huzzah!
Whew! That was close! Probably why they say use the family-oriented trait, I suppose. Glad she finally got pregnant, though!